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Some tips for effectively navigating the Italiandistancelearning platform

  • a laptop or a computer are highly recommended to best enjoy the platform
  • while performing the activities, in case you don’t see the full image or text, use the arrows to scroll up and down

I prefer OFFLINE courses: You can listen to native speakers; There’s depth and structure to learning material; They make you want to come back the next day and continue learning.  

Now this ONLINE course, however, covers all the points!  There are professional Italian actors playing out real life situating. The given material isn’t just offered to you by a very well spoken Italian teacher, but is also organised in a manner ready for print and easy to understand.

Not to be unfounded, I was specifically  checking the course’s unit that  I already had studied before, so I knew it well.
I found myself completely immersed in the process, not paying attention that I already was familiar with the material. And I wanted to continue going with it.

If I had to be brief about it — you can tell that teaching languages is a love affair for life for the creators of the course. It’s an amazing course of a quality I’ve never seen before and is absolutely an amazing option to study Italian.
